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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

Co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Apple Inc.

Steve Jobs was born February 24th, 1955. Sadly on October 5, 2011 the world lost an incredibly visionary man that contributed so much to technology, and personally my everyday life. Steve Jobs battled with pancreatic cancer for 8 years. This battle with cancer caused Steve to resign as the CEO of Apple in August of 2011.

This a link to the bio and timline of Steve Jobs' life.

Suprisingly, Steve Jobs was not a college graduate, he decided that college was not for him and quit. In 1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created Apple in Steve Job’s garage. Stev Jobs grew up taking apart electronics with his father, so this was no suprise. Steve Jobs later branched out and purchased Pixar Animations Studio, which has also come to be very sucessful. Steve Jobs returned to Apple as CEO in 1996. Steve Jobs return changed Apple in many ways, Steve brought many new ideas to the table that would change Apple and ensure its success for life.

The first Apple computer was created in 1976, the Apple I. Now, in 2011, Apple has the iMac, the iPhone, iPod. And what some would argue to be the greates yet, the iPad. Apple lost an incredible team member when Steve Jobs died. But Steve Jobs legacy will forever live through Apple, a company that I believe will never die.

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