The Web browser that I use and always have used is Internet Explorer. I am currently using Internet Explorer 9 and I love it, it is the best yet. Internet Explorer 9 has advanced graphics, faster speeds, improved javascript performance, etc. Internet Explorer has always seemed to be one of the most popular web browsers. It is the web browser that I use at school or on someone else's computer. Internet Explorer is very accessible and easy to use.
I have tried out a popularly emerging Web Browser called Mozilla Firefox. I have talked to a friend who swares by Firefox. He says that it is alot faster, has better downloading speeds and is overall better at opening applications. However, I have tried out Firefox on his computer and I do not feel this way. It is not as easy to use as Internet Explorer for one and I think that if anything the speed is equal to that of Internet Explorer. As for Firefox having "faster downloading speeds" I also do not feel that is true. I have an i3 processor and Internet Explorer 9 and I run downloads extremely fast.
However, I will admit that I may be a bit biased because Internet Explorer is what I have always used and I plan on continuing use of it. But I have been pleased with every new version that has been released, each improves in many ways. And statistics do show that more people in the world use Internet Explorer than any other Web Browser. I believe that the majority of the population uses Internet Explorer for a reason.
RFID- Radio Frequency Identification Since the United States has started using RFID passports there has been much debate on the safety and security of them. One man who really questioned the security of them, decided to do a test to prove to everyone that they were a huge security risk, this man was Chris Paget. In 2009 Chris Paget used $250 worth of equipment to copy and scan the information on RFID passport cards and enhanced driver's licenses. He did this while driving around San Francisco. Chris Paget said that he did this test to show the security weakness in the technology. Although what Chris Paget did was unethical and illegal, it did prove a very good point. There is security and privacy risks.He proved that almost anyone can do it because it does not cost alot for the equipment and you can literally get the information by walking past someone. So in this case, I think that what he proved totally justifies what he did.
I do not think that the United States should consider scrapping the RFID passport program because it can be very useful. However, I do think that they need to alter them to be alot safer and more secure. They need to make better measures to ensure that only certain people will be able to detect the RFID tags because they do contain very important information.
RFID tags are used in many other ways besides passports and drivers licenses. They can be affixed to cars, computers, people, animals, clothing, cooks, mobile phones, etc. There are obviously the same security issues and concerns that come along with them being in passports. People can use them to track information or receive information.
YouTube is a site that I access at least 5 days out of the week. I use YouTube as a site for information and entertainment. YouTube was started in 2005 and has come an incredibly long way since then.
YouTube has a privay policy that could be considered better then many other sites, but it is lacking in some areas.
YouTube allows you to chose your information that is made public
YouTube allows you to chose and age limit for your videos(an age that a viewer has to be to watch your videos)
YouTube allows you to make complaints and reports about other videos
YouTube has a very strict copyright policy, as soon as they are aware of a copyright issue they will remove the video immediately Negatives:
It is possible to lie when filling out your information to create a YouTube account(making it possible for people of a young age to view vulgar or innapropriate videos)
Co-founder, chairman and chief executive officer of Apple Inc.
Steve Jobs was born February 24th, 1955. Sadly on October 5, 2011 the world lost an incredibly visionary man that contributed so much to technology, and personally my everyday life. Steve Jobs battled with pancreatic cancer for 8 years. This battle with cancer caused Steve to resign as the CEO of Apple in August of 2011.
This alink to the bio and timline of Steve Jobs' life.
Suprisingly, Steve Jobs was not a college graduate, he decided that college was not for him and quit. In 1976 Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created Apple in Steve Job’s garage. Stev Jobs grew up taking apart electronics with his father, so this was no suprise. Steve Jobs later branched out and purchased Pixar Animations Studio, which has also come to be very sucessful. Steve Jobs returned to Apple as CEO in 1996. Steve Jobs return changed Apple in many ways, Steve brought many new ideas to the table that would change Apple and ensure its success for life.
The first Apple computer was created in 1976, the Apple I. Now, in 2011, Apple has the iMac, the iPhone, iPod. And what some would argue to be the greates yet, the iPad. Apple lost an incredible team member when Steve Jobs died. But Steve Jobs legacy will forever live through Apple, a company that I believe will never die.