Welcome to my world...

Welcome to my world of technology...

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Pace of Technology in My Lifetime

I am currently only 17 years old, but even in my lifetime technology has changed immenseley. New technology is always coming out and some of the inventions amaze me, I never seem to understand how things so little or so thin can do such amazing things. Just when you think something can't get any better they come out with a newer cersion of it.

One of my favorite developers of technology is Apple, I believe that they are much farther advanced than any company out there. Their products do things that I never thought i would see, from a laptop almost as thing as a piece of paper; to a giant iPod that can do everything a computer can. In my opinion Apple raises the bar for all other companies and even in 20 years I dont think that any other company will be on their level. Apple is also coming out with newer and better versions of their products. One month they will come out with an iPod and then 3 months later they will come out with an even thinner one. Their technology simply amazes me. One year after I was born, in 1994, Apple introduced the Power Macintosh, the first of many Apple computers to use IBM's PowerPC processor. Then just 7 years later Apple introduced the iPod. I bet they never imagined that the iPod would grow to be one of the most common accessories in America.

Believe it or not, new technology comes out everyday. I cant even imagine whats to come in the next 10 or 20 years. In the next 10 years we could possible get new types of laptops with amazingly fast speeds and storgae. And in the next 20 years we could possibly get hovercraft cars to drive on the street.


  1. Sara,
    It's funny how a decade can change and be so different for each person. 17 years ago I was thirteen and we had old IBM computers in our ONLY computer lab in school, I mean the ones that typed the green words. I carried around a Walkman because portable CD players were expensive....actually I still used cassettes to make mix tapes from the radio. Your right Apple products are leading the industry in every facet, especially with a graphics capability the can't be matched. It seems that the 90's were the launching point for lots of new, advanced technology and a great time to come into to the world.
